Saturday, July 19, 2014

Yard Sale Saturday!

Got some fun stuff at a yard sale today.
First up is this uber cuteness bag by Lilly Bloom!
I adore the super cute fruit pattern with every color under the rainbow, in reality it could go with nearly every outfit a gal could come up with.
And the inside just sealed the deal for me, check out that to die for little coin purse with the cherries on it. Love, love! And turquoise is my favorite color ever so every time I look inside this purse it will make me smile. :) all for the bargain price of $5 yay me!

And I also got some new makeup...
All new and sealed all by Kleancolor, a brand that I haven't yet tried but will be doing some reviews on shortly. For $1 each it will be fun to try. :) and I finally, finally found lip liner in the right shade of pink! I'm excited to try it out! :)

So those are my fun finds for the day. Hope you are having an awesome weekend!

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